Conquer the Conferences

This one is specifically for you parents!

Parent Teacher Conferences can not only be nerve-racking for your children, but you for too as parents. Watch this short video clip and listen to what Family & Lifestyle Correspondent, Ylonda Caviness, has to say. She has some great tips on how to deal with your student and your student’s teacher in regards to your conference!

Also, click on the books below to buy great books on how to form relationships with teachers.

 This is a great book that discusses what parents and teachers can learn from each other.

This book emphasizes the importance of how parents and teachers need to work together for a student’s success.

Click here to check out another one of my blogs about Target. Maybe you’ll find a nice outfit for the conference!

Get to School in Style

Everybody has to get to school somehow. Whether you walk, take a bus, take the train, or take a car, own it. Make your transportation work for you!


  • You get there on your time- no traffic, no lights, no waiting on anybody but you!
  • Good exercise- Walking is good for you and a great way to start of the day. You are not only getting to school, but exercising on the way.


  • Remember to always cross at the crosswalk and look both ways!

The Bus

  • Timing- You have to catch the bus, so it is motivation to actually get out of bed in the morning
  • Friends- You have time to socialize with friends even before the start of school

  • Make the school bus cool and exciting!


  • Convenience- Whether its you, a friend, or a parent driving, it’s a convenient method of transportation that runs on your schedule
  • Direction- A car can take you exactly where you want to go on campus quickly

  • Have fun and sing along, but make sure you pay attention to the road and get to school safely!

Click here to check out another one of my blogs about how to conquer parent teacher conferences!

Study Space

You just finished all your homework and now it’s time to study for your test tomorrow, but where do you plan on studying? This decision could effect the grade you get on your test.

Preferred study environments are different for everyone. Check out the pros and cons of some study spaces below and choose the right study space for you!

Your Bedroom


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The Library

Student studying in Library

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Friend’s Room


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Where will you choose?

Check out what Kelly Roell’s has to say for more information and more  places to study here!

Click here to check out another one of my blogs about how to stress less, even when you have to study.

Say “Goodnight” to a Sleepless School Year !

Does back to school mean back to sleepless nights? It doesn’t have to. More importantly, it shouldn’t!


According to studies, “the average amount of sleep that teenagers get is between 7 and 7 ¼ hours. However, they need between 9 and 9 ½ hours.” There are things that we do not have the ability to change, like a later school start time ( I WISH ), but there are also ways in which we can budget out time and get to sleep a little earlier so we can sleep for longer!


  1. Do your homework during school– Study halls, free periods, lunch time: the more you get done in school, the less you have to do at home, and the earlier you can go to bed
  2. Focus– There are so many distractions while you try to do your work. Turn off the tv, mute your iTunes, put your phone on silent and away, close your facebook tab, and whatever else will distract you from doing your work. The more focused you are, the faster you’ll get your work done
  3. Get ahead– If there are nights when you don’t have a lot of work, get ahead on your work
  4. Budget your time– With sports, clubs, community service, and more, make sure you are able to budget your time so you can get all of your things done
  5. Sleep when you can– Although watching a movie, chatting with friends, or catching up on your favorite TV show sounds like a good way to spend your workless nights, it would be more beneficial to go to bed early and catch up on your sleep while you can

As you can see by these tips, it is possible to get sleep during the school year. I’m sure you can come up with more ways for you personally to get more sleep too! Try them out. I’m sure you will feel more energized, be in a better mood, and will improve your performance in school and activities because of more sleep!


Click here to check out another one of my blogs about school pictures. You will need sleep to look your best for them!

Bullying Gets a Failing Grade

Have you ever seen the movie Mean Girls? If so, you know exactly why I am bringing it up. If you have not seen it, watch this short clip…

As you can see from this movie clip, the movie Mean Girls is exactly what it sounds like. It is a group of girls who are very mean to other people, even to the girls who they call their friends!

Unfortunately, there are “mean girls” everywhere. Bullying has become a big problem in schools. According to Bullying Statistics, 1 out of 4 kids are bullied and 1 in 5 students admit to being a bully, or doing some type of bullying.

What will you do this school year to help stop bullying?

  • If you ARE BULLIED, please ask for help. There are so many people- friends, teachers, family, parents- who want to help. Don’t be embarrassed. Nobody deserves to be bullied. Get the help and support you need from the people around you who care about and love you.
  • If you ARE A BULLY, stop. Think about somebody close to you, like a younger sibling or a cousin. How would you like it if somebody was treating them in the way you are treating others? It is not right. Put yourself in your victim’s shoes. Nobody deserves to be bullied and you wouldn’t like to be treated that way.
  • If you ARE A BYSTANDER, do not wait around for someone else to stop bulling. Stand up for a victim or tell someone about it.  Make a change. Be a leader. Do something about it. Help put an end to bullying.

For more information about bullying, please visit

Click here to check out another one of my blogs about a lighter topic, funny school pictures!

Get an A+ in Fashion!

Back to School Clothes Shopping
Everyone knows that your first day of school outfit is the most important outfit of the year, but what if you could have an amazing outfit for every day? Check out these videos for affordable back to school clothes shopping!




Old Navy

Click here to check out another one of my blogs about spicing up school dances!

Top 4 Backpack Essentials

Besides for all the books and school supplies, keeping these 4 items in your backpack will keep you prepared for the school year!

*Click on the images below for quick and easy shopping*

1. Hand Sanitizer- Don’t have time to go to the bathroom and wash your hands before lunch? Keeping hand sanitizer in your backpack can save you a trip. It’s very handy and will keep you healthy! Definitely a must have!


2. Tissues- Need a tissue and there aren’t any left in the box? Need a tissue but you don’t want to walk to the front of the class to get one while the teacher is speaking ? Keep a tissue pack in your backpack and you won’t have to worry!

3. Water Bottle- Do you get thirsty throughout the school day? Keep a water bottle in your backpack to stay hydrated!
4. Tide to Go- Stains in the lunch room or at recess happen. Keeping Tide to Go in your backpack can get rid of these stains quickly and easily!

Click here to check out another one of my blogs to do a survey!

Top 10 School Supplies

Forget about the page long lists. Here are the basic school supplies a student needs for the school year!

**Click on the items below for quick and easy shopping**

1. BACKPACK/SCHOOL BAG- Whether you are looking for style or comfort, every student needs a way to carry around all that they need.


2. BINDER/NOTEBOOK- It’s back to the basics. Everyone needs a place to take notes. Find a way that is right for you.

3. PENS/PENCILS– You need something to write with in class. Remember your number 2 pencils and blue/black and red pens.
4. HIGHLIGHTER- Want an easy way to know what is important? Highlight your key notes so they stand out.

5. PENCIL CASE- Tired of losing your pencil in your backpack? Buy a pencil case! They are perfect for storing your pens and pencils, as well as any markers, highlighters, and other fun writing utensils!

6. PLANNER- Everyone needs to keep track of their assignments and what is going on. A planner is a perfect way to stay on top of your work and keep organized.

7. MULTI-POCKET FOLDER– Who needs a specific folder for each class when you can have one folder for them all? A multi-pocket folders is a must have.

8. CALCULATOR- Although you may not like math class, your calculator will become your best friend to help you solve problems.

9. SCISSORS AND TAPE/GLUE- Who says these items are just used in kindergarten? I continue to carry them around in my bag in college! You never know when you’re going to need them.

10. ERASER/WHITE OUT– Everyone makes mistakes, and that is OK!  Just remember to come prepared to fix them.


With these top 10 school supplies, you will not only be prepared, but will be able to succeed!

Click here to check out another one of my blogs about my 4 backpack essentials!