The Key to Being Organized

COLOR CODING your school materials can make your school life so much easier, and I believe that it is the key to being organized in school!


English- Blue, Math- Red, Language- Yellow, Social Studies- Green, Science- Black, Religion- Purple

I have been color coding my school supplies as shown above since elementary school. I was required to get specific color notebooks for certain classes. Ever since then, I have continued to color code all of my school material. It has helped me so much. Books stand out and it is easy for me to remember what material is needed for what class. At the time, I color coded because I had to. Little did I know I would willingly continue this to present day!

I would highly recommend this tactic, and here’s how simple it can be!

1) Choose a different color for each class. It doesn’t have to be the same as mine. Pick colors that suit you and colors that you will remember

2) Buy supplies accordingly. If you assigned blue to a class, go and buy a blue binder/ notebook, a blue folder, and any other blue supply that you need for that class.

3) Now you’re organized! How simple was that?


Click here to check out another one of my blogs about my top 10 school supplies!

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