Group Projects

There always comes a time in the school year when you are assigned a group project. Some shout “YAY!” while others moan “NAY!” Here’s how to deal with the fun or not so fun situation: know each member of the group and their personality and deal the group work accordingly.


The quiet one – There will always be a person who is shy and quiet. Assign them work that they can do mostly on their own, like research.


The bossy one – There will always be a person who feels obligated to be the leader. Let them take charge, because they most likely won’t let anyone else do it. If that is what they are good at, you might as well let that affect your group project positively.


The creative one -There will always be an artsy or creative person. Let them share their ideas and assemble the project. Include a fun and creative way to present you data or just include hand-drawn pictures. Appearance is always a plus. Creative-people

The nerd -There will always be a smart person in the group. Take advantage of that and incorporate all of their knowledge into the project.nerd01

The slacker -There will always be that one person who does not care. Although this person may seem to have the potential to weigh the group down, they don’t have to if they have a specific assigned job that they are responsible for. Make sure you stay on top of them to get their work done. difficult_people_slacker

Hopefully this trick helps! Good luck with your group work!

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